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Build custom, interactive content for your website powered by your spreadsheets - no coding required! Explore these examples from some of our customers.

Website calculators

Example LinkCard PaletteTCO

Palette Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Calculator

Demonstrates the savings of adopting Spectro Cloud’s Kubernetes management platform. Leads get actionable insights; Palette gets targeted follow-ups.


Tamr Data Value Calculator

The Tamr Data Value Calculator estimates the financial benefits of improved data management, focusing on better data quality, integration, and usage. It highlights enhanced decision-making, operational efficiency, and risk reduction.


Denovix CellDrop Savings Calculator

Shows labs how much they can save on plastic waste and costs by switching to CellDrop automated cell counters. Prospects get clarity on the financial and environmental benefits, helping Denovix connect with highly motivated leads.


Blue Door Bookkeeping Price Quote Calculator

Streamlines pricing for Blue Door’s bookkeeping services. Prospects leave with a custom quote—ready for next steps.


Catering ROI Calculator by Lunchbox

Lunchbox provides restaurants with the technology and strategy behind building a successful revenue stream in catering. Their ROI calculator shows when and how a catering business can be scaled into sustainable revenue.

A fraction of what you would pay for a web developer

Save money & time

Cut costs and accelerate the implementation process by building and deploying your own website calculators.

Leverage your skills

You already possess the skills and resources! Use your spreadsheet expertise to create sleek, interactive calculators.

Capture better leads

Save your leads' calculator inputs & outputs to your CRM. Email a PDF of the calculator results to your leads.